International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June 2024
Drugs Habits are a Worldwide problem for entire Humanity. Use of Narcotic Drugs usually starts as a curiosity factor among young adults who want to experience what it is and the thrill they hear that people experience from taking it. This habit is also developed by young adults who find their lives as boring and uninteresting, for some of them as a means of escaping their inability to perform well academically, some of the people having too much money on their hands, young adolescents and adults lacking parental love and care and parental supervision or having company of unscrupulous antisocial elements. What begins as a small experiment causes euphoria or a feeling of high or unexplainable happiness, freedom from all the troubles and tribulations of this world. This experience is the result of stimulation of a part of the brain called Nucleus Accumbens by a neurochemical called Dopamine. This release of Dopamine is also stimulated by habits like smoking and alcohol and similarly produces euphoria in their addicts.
Drugs causes the persons indulging in them to be in a daze, neglecting their personal hygiene, neglecting their health, academics and career. Monetary expenses also mount as the drug habit progresses. The drug addicts are not in their senses and cannot differentiate right or good activities from wrong or even criminal activities. Slitting someone’s throat or stabbing someone or strangling someone maybe done for robbing their money or just as a fun activity in their befuddled and confused mental status. Drug addicts are very likely to cause accidents should they attempt to drive a vehicle by themselves. Drug addicts have an enormous libido and very likely to indulge in raping anyone for the heck of it. Of course Narcotics Control Laws makes possession / use of Narcotics a stringently punishable and Non bailable offence, but sales of drugs continues stealthily eroding the minds and health of the youth. Lack of Affection, Love and Genuine Concern from family members, Too much of Money and Lack of Parental Supervision are most commonly stated by the drug addicts as reasons for starting the habits. Vigilance by family members and society as a whole, ensuring adequate quality family time irrespective of how much we earn and what are our working hours can probably save our dear and near ones and our society from the scourge of this devastating and debilitating habit.
The International College of Dentists Section 6 prays and wishes for a bright future of our youth and the entire world free the menace of the Narcotic World